Ireland – beautiful land with nature and history

Cliffs of Moher

When we first arrived to Ireland, the view from the airplane was amazing. The first thing that caught our eyes was the nature, and how Ireland is full of it. We could say that it is very similar to what we have in Finland, but then we would be lying. It is far more beautiful. However, when we started to discover more places from Dublin and Galway we realized that it is really a unique place and it should be protected like that. The nature makes Ireland what it is and the streets are worth walking.

Trinity College

When we visited Trinity College in Dublin, we were amazed. The buildings were huge and old but at the same time very beautiful and artistic. We listened the guide while he was telling everything about that campus and we were surprised how big it actually was! Every building was worth photographing and the history was interesting. In our opinion, every single building there should be on UNESCOs list!

Corcomre Abbey

During our walk in Dublin, we couldn’t keep our eyes away from the buildings and how old they looked. We loved all the colors and how much the nature was involved in the city as well. For example, many restaurants had decorated their doors and windows with flowers and leaves which made it look beautiful and welcoming. That is also a good example about interpretation because it brings the art visible and so presented (Cultural Heritage and Tourism, Dallen J. Timothy).

On the last day in Dublin, we found a hidden treasure just a short walk away from the shopping streets. It was a pub called “the Parnell heritage pub & grill”. It was funny because we were on this study trip to learn about world heritages! So we entered and it was a cozy and warm pub with a rooftop garden. It came clear to us that the pub was full with regular customers and that is why they were a bit surprised to see any tourists. After all we were happy that we found that place because while sitting on the rooftop garden drinking our Irish drinks we felt like home. It was so beautiful and even thought it was raining a little bit it did not matter.

the Parnell heritage pub & grill

On Wednesday we travelled to Galway which was located more in the Westside of Ireland. As soon as we arrived there it came clear that the nature was more seen there. To really feel the difference there we had to use our eyes, hearing, sensing and even our noses. It was clear that Galway was a whole different world compared to Dublin. The feeling was more relaxed and the people were not in a rush. It seemed to be a city with a spice of countryside. It really came clear that we were learning new things when we got the be actively involved (Heritage Tourism, Timothy and Boyd).

Thursday was the day when we really got to experience the Westside of Ireland. Our hilarious bus driver made sure that we were well entertained but at the same time told us interesting facts about Ireland. He knew a lot about history and had an answer to every one of our questions. We got to visit different castles and reunions which took our breaths away. Every one of those historic monuments were surrounded by beautiful nature which made it even more amazing to see and explore. The stories from those monuments were interesting but in our opinion, it would be nice to see some of those in use. Those places have to be protected, of course, but just some activities inside them would be a whole different story. Imagine if you could get married in those beautiful castles! And the price from those kind of things could help the city to keep those monuments alive. But after all, the most important thing is to protect the history.

Selfie @ Cliffs of Moher

Our trip to Cliffs of Moher was unbelievable. It is not on the World Heritage List, but maybe it should be. We cannot even put to words how that place looked and smelled, but it will always stay in our memories. Even thought we were really scared to walk so close to the edge, it was totally worth it. We saw the waves splashing into the cliffs and the sun shine made it perfect. The best thing is that we saw was that even though the place was full with tourists, the cliffs are kept tidy and almost untouched. People are really treating it with respect and that is really a heartwarming thing. The Cliffs of Moher should stay that way – open to everybody who cares about worlds heritages and are willing to behave with respect. That is a good example for the other countries with world heritages as well.


On our last day in Ireland, we went to a local restaurant which served an original Irish breakfast. Even thought we were not used to eating black sausage in the mornings, we liked it. Anna-Mari actually called it a “cheap version of English breakfast” because we all know how much English people like to eat in the mornings. But once we were sitting there, we realized how old that restaurant was. It has been in use from year 1589 and the picture above told us that it was used for a wedding feast. We were really happy that we found that place because it really showed us how it was like hundreds of years ago. That place had its own charm and if we ever go back to Ireland, and I think we will, that will be the restaurant we will definitely visit again.

By: Malla Rantanen & Anna-Mari Poutanen


Heritage Tourism, Timothy and Boyd

Cultural Heritage and Tourism, Dallen, J. Timothy

2 thoughts on “Ireland – beautiful land with nature and history

  1. Pub you found sounds worth visiting, have to check it next time when in Ireland! Beautiful pictures and well done, nice post! 🙂 Buildings are cool like you said, it’s beautiful how people decorate shops and restaurants from outside with colors andd flowers 🙂
    – Johanna & Tomi


  2. That pub and breakfast place sound really good. Unfortunately I don’t find those places but now there is something new to see if I go back to the Ireland some day 🙂



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